Source code for imtools.uiThreshold

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Purpose:     (CZE-ZCU-FAV-KKY) Liver medical project

Author:      Pavel Volkovinsky, Miroslav Jirik

Created:     2012/11/08
Copyright:   (c) Pavel Volkovinsky

import sys


import logging as logger

# import scipy.ndimage

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as matpyplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, Button  # , RadioButtons

import gc as garbage

from PyQt4 import QtGui
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar

import numpy as np

from . import thresholding_functions

class uiThresholdQt(QtGui.QDialog):
    def __init__(self, *pars, **params):
    # def __init__(self,parent=None):
        parent = None

        QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
        # super(Window, self).__init__(parent)
        # self.setupUi(self)
        self.figure = plt.figure()
        self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure)
        self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self)

# set the layout
        layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
        # layout.addWidget(self.button)

    # def set_params(self, *pars, **params):
        # import sed3.sed3

        params["figure"] = self.figure 
        self.uit = uiThreshold(*pars, **params)
        self.uit.on_close_fcn = self.callback_close
        self.uit.on_show_fcn = self.exec_
        self.output = None

    def run(self):
        # pass

    def callback_close(self, uit):
        # self.output = uit


    def get_values(self):

[docs]class uiThreshold: """ UI pro prahovani 3D dat. """ def __init__(self, data, voxel, threshold=None, interactivity=True, number=100.0, inputSigma=-1, nObj=10, biggestObjects=True, useSeedsOfCompactObjects=True, binaryClosingIterations=2, binaryOpeningIterations=0, seeds=None,, fillHoles=True, figure=None, threshold_auto_method='', threshold_upper=None, debug=True ): """ Inicialitacni metoda. Input: :param data: data pro prahovani, se kterymi se pracuje :param voxel: velikost voxelu :param threshold: :param interactivity: zapnuti / vypnuti gui :param number: maximalni hodnota slideru pro gauss. filtrovani (max sigma) :param inputSigma: pocatecni hodnota pro gauss. filtr :param nObj: pocet nejvetsich objektu k vraceni :param biggestObjects: oznacuje, zda se maji vracet nejvetsi objekty :param binaryClosingIterations: iterace binary closing :param binaryOpeningIterations: iterace binary opening :param seeds: matice s kliknutim uzivatele- pokud se maji vracet specifikce objekty. It can be same shape like data, or it can be indexes e.g. from np.nonzero(seeds) :param cmap: grey :param threshold_auto_method: 'otsu' use otsu threshold, other string use our liver automatic """ logger.debug('Spoustim prahovani dat...') self.on_close_fcn = None self.errorsOccured = False self.inputDimension = np.ndim(data) if(self.inputDimension != 3): logger.error( 'Vstup nema 3 dimenze! Ma jich ' + str(self.inputDimension) + '.') self.errorsOccured = True return self.on_show_fcn = self.interactivity = interactivity self.cmap = cmap self.number = number self.inputSigma = inputSigma # if shapes of input data and seeds are the same self.seeds = seeds # self.seeds_inds = imma.as_seeds_inds(seeds, data.shape) if debug: logger.debug("threshold {}".format(threshold)) if threshold is None: threshold = prepare_threshold_from_seeds(data=data, seeds=self.seeds, min_threshold_auto_method=threshold_auto_method) if debug: logger.debug("threshold after first evaluation {}".format(threshold)) # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() self.threshold = threshold self.nObj = nObj self.biggestObjects = biggestObjects self.ICBinaryClosingIterations = binaryClosingIterations self.ICBinaryOpeningIterations = binaryOpeningIterations self.auto_method=threshold_auto_method self.useSeedsOfCompactObjects = useSeedsOfCompactObjects self.fillHoles = fillHoles self.threshold_upper = threshold_upper if (sys.version_info[0] < 3): import copy = copy.copy(data) self.voxelsize_mm = copy.copy(voxel) else: = data.copy() self.voxelsize_mm = voxel.copy() # Kalkulace objemove jednotky (voxel) (V = a*b*c) # voxel1 = self.voxel[0] # voxel2 = self.voxel[1] # voxel3 = self.voxel[2] self.voxelV =, axis=None) #voxel1 * voxel2 * voxel3 # TODO remove this nonsense if self.biggestObjects or (self.seeds is not None and self.useSeedsOfCompactObjects): self.get_priority_objects = True else: self.get_priority_objects = True # self.get_priority_objects = False self.numpyAMaxKeepDims = False # Pokud existuji vhodne labely, vytvori se nova data k # vraceni. # Pokud ne, vrati se "None" typ. { Deprecated: Pokud ne, # vrati se cela nafiltrovana data, ktera do funkce prisla # (nedojde k vraceni specifickych objektu). } self.firstRun = True if self.interactivity: self._init_ui(figure) def _init_ui(self, figure): if figure is None: self.fig = matpyplot.figure() else: self.fig = figure # Maximalni a minimalni pouzita hodnota prahovani v datech (bud v # celych datech nebo vybranych seedu) self.min0 = np.min( self.max0 = np.max( # self.min0 = np.amin(np.amin(, axis=0)) # if self.seeds == None: # # self.max0 = np.amax(np.amax(, axis=0)) # self.max0 = self.max0 + \ # abs(abs(self.min0) - abs(self.max0)) / 10 # # else: # # if len(self.intensities_on_seeds) > 0: # # # Zbaveni se duplikatu. # self.intensities_on_seeds = list(set(self.intensities_on_seeds)) # logger.debug('Hodnoty seedu: ') # logger.debug(self.intensities_on_seeds) # # self.max0 = max(self.intensities_on_seeds) # self.max0 = self.max0 + \ # abs(abs(self.min0) - abs(self.max0)) / 10 # # # Prahy # logger.debug('') # logger.debug( # 'Minimalni doporucena hodnota prahu: ' + # str(min(self.intensities_on_seeds))) # logger.debug( # 'Maximalni doporucena hodnota prahu: ' + # str(max(self.intensities_on_seeds))) # logger.debug('') # # else: # # self.max0 = np.amax(np.amax(, axis=0)) # self.max0 = self.max0 + \ # abs(abs(self.min0) - abs(self.max0)) / 10 # Pridani subplotu do okna (do figure) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(222) self.ax2 = self.fig.add_subplot(223) self.ax3 = self.fig.add_subplot(224) self.ax4 = self.fig.add_subplot(221) # Upraveni subplotu self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.3) # Vykreslit obrazek self.ax1.imshow( np.amax(, axis=0, keepdims=self.numpyAMaxKeepDims), self.cmap) self.ax2.imshow( np.amax(, axis=1, keepdims=self.numpyAMaxKeepDims), self.cmap) self.ax3.imshow( np.amax(, axis=2, keepdims=self.numpyAMaxKeepDims), self.cmap) # Zalozeni mist pro slidery left_slider_position = 0.18 self.axcolor = 'white' # lightgoldenrodyellow self.axmin = self.fig.add_axes( [left_slider_position, 0.24, 0.55, 0.03], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axmax = self.fig.add_axes( [left_slider_position, 0.20, 0.55, 0.03], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axclosing = self.fig.add_axes( [left_slider_position, 0.16, 0.55, 0.03], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axopening = self.fig.add_axes( [left_slider_position, 0.12, 0.55, 0.03], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axsigma = self.fig.add_axes( [left_slider_position, 0.08, 0.55, 0.03], axisbg=self.axcolor) # Vlastni vytvoreni slideru minBinaryClosing = 0 minBinaryOpening = 0 minSigma = 0.00 init_thr = self.min0 if self.threshold is not None: init_thr = self.threshold self.smin = Slider( self.axmin, 'Min. thr.' + str(self.min0), self.min0, self.max0, valinit=init_thr, dragging=True, valfmt="%4g") # self.min0, self.max0, valinit=self.threshold, dragging=True) self.smax = Slider( self.axmax, 'Max. thr.' + str(self.min0), self.min0, self.max0, valinit=self.max0, dragging=True) if (self.ICBinaryClosingIterations >= 1): self.sclose = Slider( self.axclosing, 'Bin. closing', minBinaryClosing, 100, valinit=self.ICBinaryClosingIterations, dragging=False) else: self.sclose = Slider( self.axclosing, 'Bin. closing', minBinaryClosing, 100, valinit=0, dragging=False) if (self.ICBinaryOpeningIterations >= 1): self.sopen = Slider( self.axopening, 'Bin. opening', minBinaryOpening, 100, valinit=self.ICBinaryOpeningIterations, dragging=False) else: self.sopen = Slider( self.axopening, 'Bin. opening', minBinaryOpening, 100, valinit=0, dragging=False) self.ssigma = Slider( self.axsigma, 'Sigma', 0.00, self.number, valinit=self.inputSigma, dragging=False) # Funkce slideru pri zmene jeho hodnoty self.smin.on_changed(self.updateImage) self.smax.on_changed(self.updateImage) self.sclose.on_changed(self.updateImage) self.sopen.on_changed(self.updateImage) self.ssigma.on_changed(self.updateImage) # Zalozeni mist pro tlacitka letf_button_position = 0.80 self.axbuttprev1_5 = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.02, 0.24, 0.03, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttprev1 = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.05, 0.24, 0.03, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttnext1 = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.09, 0.24, 0.03, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttnext1_5 = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.12, 0.24, 0.03, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttprev2_5 = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.02, 0.20, 0.03, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttprev2 = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.05, 0.20, 0.03, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttnext2 = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.09, 0.20, 0.03, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttnext2_5 = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.12, 0.20, 0.03, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttnextclosing = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.09, 0.16, 0.05, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttprevclosing = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.02, 0.16, 0.05, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttnextopening = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.09, 0.12, 0.05, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttprevopening = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.02, 0.12, 0.05, 0.035], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttreset = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.01, 0.07, 0.08, 0.045], axisbg=self.axcolor) self.axbuttcontinue = self.fig.add_axes( [letf_button_position + 0.09, 0.07, 0.08, 0.045], axisbg=self.axcolor) # Zalozeni tlacitek self.bnext1 = Button(self.axbuttnext1, '+1') self.bnext1_5 = Button(self.axbuttnext1_5, '+5') self.bprev1 = Button(self.axbuttprev1, '-1') self.bprev1_5 = Button(self.axbuttprev1_5, '-5') self.bnext2 = Button(self.axbuttnext2, '+1') self.bnext2_5 = Button(self.axbuttnext2_5, '+5') self.bprev2 = Button(self.axbuttprev2, '-1') self.bprev2_5 = Button(self.axbuttprev2_5, '+5') self.bnextclosing = Button(self.axbuttnextclosing, '+1.0') self.bprevclosing = Button(self.axbuttprevclosing, '-1.0') self.bnextopening = Button(self.axbuttnextopening, '+1.0') self.bprevopening = Button(self.axbuttprevopening, '-1.0') self.breset = Button(self.axbuttreset, 'Reset') self.bcontinue = Button(self.axbuttcontinue, 'Done') # Funkce tlacitek pri jejich aktivaci self.bnext1.on_clicked(self.buttonMinNext) self.bprev1.on_clicked(self.buttonMinPrev) self.bnext2.on_clicked(self.buttonMaxNext) self.bprev2.on_clicked(self.buttonMaxPrev) self.bnext1_5.on_clicked(self.buttonMinNext5) self.bprev1_5.on_clicked(self.buttonMinPrev5) self.bnext2_5.on_clicked(self.buttonMaxNext5) self.bprev2_5.on_clicked(self.buttonMaxPrev5) self.bnextclosing.on_clicked(self.buttonNextClosing) self.bprevclosing.on_clicked(self.buttonPrevClosing) self.bnextopening.on_clicked(self.buttonNextOpening) self.bprevopening.on_clicked(self.buttonPrevOpening) self.breset.on_clicked(self.buttonReset) self.bcontinue.on_clicked(self.buttonContinue) self.smin.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.smin.val)) self.smax.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.smax.val)) logger.debug("self.threshold at the end of init(): " + str(self.threshold))
[docs] def run(self): """ Spusteni UI. """ if(self.errorsOccured == True): return self.firstRun = True self.updateImage(-1) garbage.collect() if self.interactivity: self.on_show_fcn() del( garbage.collect() return self.imgFiltering
[docs] def returnLastThreshold(self): return self.threshold
[docs] def updateImage(self, val): """ Hlavni update metoda. Cinny kod pro gaussovske filtrovani, prahovani, binarni uzavreni a otevreni a vraceni nejvetsich nebo oznacenych objektu. """ # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # Filtrovani # Zjisteni jakou sigmu pouzit if(self.firstRun == True and self.inputSigma >= 0): sigma = np.round(self.inputSigma, 2) elif self.interactivity: sigma = np.round(self.ssigma.val, 2) else: sigma = np.round(self.inputSigma, 2) # Prahovani (smin, smax) # max_threshold = self.threshold_upper # min_threshold = self.threshold if self.interactivity: self.smin.val = (np.round(self.smin.val, 2)) self.smin.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.smin.val)) self.smax.val = (np.round(self.smax.val, 2)) self.smax.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.smax.val)) self.threshold = self.smin.val self.threshold_upper = self.smax.val closeNum = int(np.round(self.sclose.val, 0)) openNum = int(np.round(self.sopen.val, 0)) self.sclose.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(closeNum)) self.sopen.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(openNum)) else: closeNum = self.ICBinaryClosingIterations openNum = self.ICBinaryOpeningIterations # make_image_processing(sigma, min_threshold, max_threshold, closeNum, openNum, auto_method=self.) self.imgFiltering, self.threshold = make_image_processing(, voxelsize_mm=self.voxelsize_mm, seeds=self.seeds, sigma_mm=sigma, min_threshold=self.threshold, max_threshold=self.threshold_upper, closeNum=closeNum, openNum=openNum, min_threshold_auto_method=self.auto_method, fill_holes=self.fillHoles, get_priority_objects=self.get_priority_objects, nObj=self.nObj) # Vykresleni dat if (self.interactivity == True): self.drawVisualization() # Nastaveni kontrolnich hodnot self.firstRun = False garbage.collect() self.debugInfo()
[docs] def debugInfo(self): logger.debug('======') logger.debug('!Debug') logger.debug('\tUpdate cycle:') logger.debug('\t\tThreshold min: ' + str(self.threshold)) logger.debug('\t\tThreshold max: ' + str(self.threshold_upper)) if (self.interactivity == True): logger.debug( '\t\tThreshold max: ' + str(self.smax.val)) logger.debug( '\t\tBinary closing: ' + str(np.round(self.sclose.val, 0))) logger.debug( '\t\tBinary opening: ' + str(np.round(self.sopen.val, 0))) logger.debug( '\t\tSigma filter param: ' + str(np.round(self.ssigma.val, 2))) logger.debug('======')
[docs] def getBiggestObjects(self): """ Vraceni nejvetsich objektu (nebo objektu, ktere obsahuji prioritni seedy). """ logger.debug('biggest objects ' + str(self.biggestObjects)) logger.debug('self.seeds ' + str(self.seeds))
def __drawSegmentedSlice(self, ax, contour, i): """ Used for visualization of midle slice of the data3d :param ax: :param contour: :param i: :return: """ i = int(i) ax.cla() ax.imshow([i, :, :], cmap=self.cmap) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) if contour is not None: #ax.contour(contour[i, :, :]) logger.debug("type contour " + str(type(contour))) logger.debug("max contour " + str(np.max(contour))) logger.debug("min contour " + str(np.min(contour))) logger.debug("type contour " + str(type(contour[i,:,:]))) logger.debug("max contour " + str(np.max(contour[i,:,:]))) logger.debug("min contour " + str(np.min(contour[i,:,:]))) contour_slice = contour[i, :, :] if np.max(contour_slice) != np.min(contour_slice): ax.contour(contour[i, :, :] + 1)
[docs] def drawVisualization(self): """ Vykresleni dat. """ # Predani dat k vykresleni if (self.imgFiltering is None): # print '(DEBUG) Typ dat: ' + str(type([0][0][0])) self.ax1.imshow( np.amax(np.zeros(, axis=0, keepdims=self.numpyAMaxKeepDims), self.cmap) self.ax2.imshow( np.amax(np.zeros(, axis=1, keepdims=self.numpyAMaxKeepDims), self.cmap) self.ax3.imshow( np.amax(np.zeros(, axis=2, keepdims=self.numpyAMaxKeepDims), self.cmap) else: img0, img1, img2 = thresholding_functions.prepareVisualization( self.imgFiltering) # t2 = time.time() # print 't1 %f t2 %f ' % (t1 - t0, t2 - t1) self.ax1.imshow(img0, self.cmap) self.ax2.imshow(img1, self.cmap) self.ax3.imshow(img2, self.cmap) # del(img0) # del(img1) # del(img2) self.ax1.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax1.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax2.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax2.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax3.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax3.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax4.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax4.set_yticklabels([]) if self.imgFiltering is not None: self.__drawSegmentedSlice(self.ax4, self.imgFiltering, int(self.imgFiltering.shape[0] / 2)) # Prekresleni self.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def buttonReset(self, event): self.sclose.valtext.set_text( '{}'.format(self.ICBinaryClosingIterations)) self.sopen.valtext.set_text( '{}'.format(self.ICBinaryOpeningIterations)) self.ssigma.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.inputSigma)) self.firstRun = True self.lastSigma = -1 self.threshold = -1 self.updateImage(0)
[docs] def buttonContinue(self, event): matpyplot.clf() if self.on_close_fcn is not None: self.on_close_fcn(self) matpyplot.close()
[docs] def buttonMinNext(self, event): self.buttonMinUpdate(event, +1.0)
[docs] def buttonMinPrev(self, event): self.buttonMinUpdate(event, -1.0)
[docs] def buttonMinNext5(self, event): self.buttonMinUpdate(event, +5.0)
[docs] def buttonMinPrev5(self, event): self.buttonMinUpdate(event, -5.0)
[docs] def buttonMaxNext(self, event): self.buttonMaxUpdate(event, -1.0)
# if self.max0 < (self.smax.val + 1.0): # # self.smax.val = self.max0 # # else: # # self.smax.val += 1.0 # # self.smax.val = (np.round(self.smax.val, 2)) # self.smax.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.smax.val)) # self.fig.canvas.draw() # self.updateImage(0)
[docs] def buttonMaxNext5 (self, event): self.buttonMaxUpdate(event, 5.0)
[docs] def buttonMaxPrev5 (self, event): self.buttonMaxUpdate(event, -5.0)
[docs] def buttonMaxPrev(self, event): self.buttonMaxUpdate(event, -1.0)
[docs] def buttonMinUpdate(self, event, value): if self.min0 > (self.smin.val + value): self.smin.val = self.min0 elif self.max0 < (self.smin.val + value): self.smin.val = self.max0 else: self.smin.val += value self.smin.val = (np.round(self.smin.val, 2)) self.smin.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.smin.val)) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.updateImage(0)
[docs] def buttonMaxUpdate(self, event, value): if self.min0 > (self.smax.val + value): self.smax.val = self.min0 elif self.max0 < (self.smax.val + value): self.smax.val = self.max0 else: self.smax.val += value self.smax.val = (np.round(self.smax.val, 2)) self.smax.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.smax.val)) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.updateImage(0)
[docs] def buttonNextOpening(self, event): self.sopen.val += 1.0 self.sopen.val = (np.round(self.sopen.val, 2)) self.sopen.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.sopen.val)) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.updateImage(0)
[docs] def buttonPrevOpening(self, event): if(self.sopen.val >= 1.0): self.sopen.val -= 1.0 self.sopen.val = (np.round(self.sopen.val, 2)) self.sopen.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.sopen.val)) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.updateImage(0)
[docs] def buttonNextClosing(self, event): self.sclose.val += 1.0 self.sclose.val = (np.round(self.sclose.val, 2)) self.sclose.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.sclose.val)) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.updateImage(0)
[docs] def buttonPrevClosing(self, event): if(self.sclose.val >= 1.0): self.sclose.val -= 1.0 self.sclose.val = (np.round(self.sclose.val, 2)) self.sclose.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(self.sclose.val)) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.updateImage(0)
[docs]def prepare_threshold_from_seeds(data, seeds, min_threshold_auto_method): if seeds is not None: intensities_on_seeds = thresholding_functions.get_intensities_on_seed_position(data, seeds == 1) else: intensities_on_seeds = None logger.debug("intensities on seeds {}".format(intensities_on_seeds)) if min_threshold_auto_method is 'otsu': logger.debug('using otsu threshold') min_threshold = thresholding_functions.calculateAutomaticThresholdOtsu( data, intensities_on_seeds) else: min_threshold = thresholding_functions.calculateAutomaticThreshold( data, intensities_on_seeds) logger.debug("min threshold prepared {}".format(intensities_on_seeds)) return min_threshold
[docs]def make_image_processing( data, voxelsize_mm, seeds=None, sigma_mm=1, min_threshold=None, max_threshold=None, closeNum=0, openNum=0, min_threshold_auto_method="", fill_holes=True, get_priority_objects=True, nObj=1, debug=False): if (sys.version_info[0] < 3): import copy data_copy = copy.copy(data) else: data_copy = data.copy() if sigma_mm > 0: sigmaNew = thresholding_functions.calculateSigma(voxelsize_mm, sigma_mm) data_copy = thresholding_functions.gaussFilter( data_copy, sigmaNew) del(sigmaNew) if debug: import sed3 # ed = sed3.sed3qt(data_copy) sed3.show_slices(data_copy, shape=[6, 9]) # if min_threshold is None: min_threshold = prepare_threshold_from_seeds(data=data_copy, seeds=seeds, min_threshold_auto_method=min_threshold_auto_method) data_thr = thresholding_functions.thresholding( data_copy, min_threshold, max_threshold, use_min_threshold=True, use_max_threshold=max_threshold is not None ) if debug: logger.debug("np min median max input data " + str(np.min(data_copy)) + " " + str(np.median(data_copy)) + " " + str(np.max(data_copy)) + " " ) if debug: logger.debug("np unique sum binar " + str(np.unique(data_thr)) + " " + str(np.sum(data_thr)) + " " ) data_thr = thresholding_functions.binaryClosingOpening( data_thr, closeNum, openNum, True) # Fill holes if fill_holes: data_thr = thresholding_functions.fillHoles( data_thr) # use a wall for label 2 if type(seeds) is np.ndarray: data_thr[seeds==2] = 0 # Zjisteni nejvetsich objektu. if get_priority_objects: if seeds is not None: selected_seeds = seeds == 1 else: selected_seeds = seeds data_thr = thresholding_functions.get_priority_objects( data_thr, nObj, selected_seeds ) if debug: logger.debug("np unique sum binar hist end " + str(np.unique(data_thr)) + " " + str(np.sum(data_thr)) + " " # + str(np.histogram(data_thr, bins="auto")) + " " ) return data_thr, min_threshold
[docs]def main(): import numpy as np data = np.random.randint(0, 30, [15, 16, 18]) print(data.shape) data[5:11, 7:13, 2:10] += 20 uit = uiThreshold(data=data, voxel=[1, 2, 1.5])
if __name__ == "__main__": main()