Source code for imtools.sample_data

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import glob
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import zipfile

import numpy as np

# import traceback

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import argparse

if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    import urllib as urllibr
    import urllib.request as urllibr

# import funkcí z jiného adresáře
import os.path

path_to_script = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs]def submodule_update(): # update submodules codes print('Updating submodules') try: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()'git submodule update --init --recursive', shell=True) #'git submodule update --init --recursive') except: print('Probem with git submodules')
[docs]def check_python_architecture(pythondir, target_arch_str): """ functions check architecture of target python """ pyth_str = subprocess.check_output( [pythondir + 'python', '-c', 'import platform; print platform.architecture()[0]']) if pyth_str[:2] != target_arch_str: raise Exception( "Wrong architecture of target python. Expected arch is" + target_arch_str)
[docs]def remove(local_file_name): try: os.remove(local_file_name) except Exception as e: print("Cannot remove file '" + local_file_name + "'. Please remove\ it manually.") print(e)
[docs]def downzip(url, destination='./sample_data/'): """ Download, unzip and delete. """ # url = "" logmsg = "downloading from '" + url + "'" print(logmsg) logger.debug(logmsg) local_file_name = os.path.join(destination, '') urllibr.urlretrieve(url, local_file_name) datafile = zipfile.ZipFile(local_file_name) datafile.extractall(destination) remove(local_file_name)
# you can get hash from command line with: # python imtools/ -v sliver_training_001 # vessels.pkl nejprve vytvoří prázný adresář s názvem vessels.pkl, pak jej při rozbalování zase smaže data_urls= { "head": ["", "89e9b60fd23257f01c4a1632ff7bb800", "matlab"] , "jatra_06mm_jenjatra": ["", "jatra_06mm_jenjatra/*.dcm"], "jatra_5mm": ["", '1b9039ffe1ff9af9caa344341c8cec03', "jatra_06mm/*.dcm"], "exp": ["", '74f2c10b17b6bd31bd03662df6cf884d'], "sliver_training_001": ["","d64235727c0adafe13d24bfb311d1ed0","liver*001.*"], "volumetrie": ["","6b2a2da67874ba526e2fe00a78dd19c9"], "vessels.pkl": ["","698ef2bc345bb616f8d4195048538ded"], "biodur_sample": ["","d459dd5b308ca07d10414b3a3a9000ea"], "gensei_slices": ["", "ef93b121add8e4a133bb086e9e6491c9"], "exp_small": ["", "0526ba8ea363fe8b5227f5807b7aaca7"], "vincentka": ["", "a30fdabaa39c5ce032a3223ed30b88e3"], "vincentka_sample": [""], "donut": "", # není nutné pole, stačí jen string # "exp_small": "", }
[docs]def get_sample_data(data_label=None, destination_dir="."): """ Same as get() due to back compatibility :param data_label: :param destination_dir: :return: """ get(data_label=data_label, destination_dir=destination_dir)
[docs]def get(data_label=None, destination_dir="."): """ Download sample data by data label. Labels can be listed by sample_data.data_urls.keys() :param data_label: label of data. If it is set to None, all data are downloaded :param destination_dir: output dir for data :return: """ try: os.mkdir(destination_dir) except: pass if data_label is None: data_label=data_urls.keys() if type(data_label) == str: data_label = [data_label] for label in data_label: # make all data:url have length 3 data_url = data_urls[label] if type(data_url) == str: # back compatibility data_url = [data_url] data_url.extend([None, None]) data_url = data_url[:3] url, expected_hash, hash_path = data_url if hash_path is None: hash_path = label try: computed_hash = checksum(os.path.join(destination_dir, hash_path)) except: # there is probably no checksumdir module logger.warning("problem with sample_data.checksum()") computed_hash = None"dataset '" + label + "'")"expected hash: '" + str(expected_hash) + "'")"computed hash: '" + str(computed_hash) + "'") if (computed_hash is not None) and (expected_hash == computed_hash):"match ok - no download needed") else:"downloading") downzip(url, destination=destination_dir)"finished") downloaded_hash = checksum(os.path.join(destination_dir, hash_path))"downloaded hash: '" + str(downloaded_hash) + "'") if downloaded_hash != expected_hash: logger.warning("downloaded hash is different from expected hash\n" + \ "expected hash: '" + str(expected_hash) + "'\n" + \ "downloaded hash: '" + str(downloaded_hash) + "'\n")
[docs]def checksum(path, hashfunc='md5'): """ Return checksum given by path. Wildcards can be used in check sum. Function is strongly dependent on checksumdir package by 'cakepietoast'. :param path: :param hashfunc: :return: """ import checksumdir hash_func = checksumdir.HASH_FUNCS.get(hashfunc) if not hash_func: raise NotImplementedError('{} not implemented.'.format(hashfunc)) if os.path.isdir(path): return checksumdir.dirhash(path, hashfunc=hashfunc) hashvalues = [] path_list = glob.glob(path) logger.debug("path_list " + str(path_list)) for path in path_list: if os.path.isfile(path): hashvalues.append(checksumdir._filehash(path, hashfunc=hash_func)) logger.debug(str(hashvalues)) hash = checksumdir._reduce_hash(hashvalues, hashfunc=hash_func) return hash
[docs]def donut(): """ Generate donut like shape with stick inside :return: datap with keys data3d, segmentation and voxelsize_mm """ import numpy as np segmentation = np.zeros([20, 30, 40]) # generate test data segmentation[6:10, 7:24, 10:37] = 1 segmentation[6:10, 7, 10] = 0 segmentation[6:10, 23, 10] = 0 segmentation[6:10, 7, 36] = 0 segmentation[6:10, 23, 36] = 0 segmentation[2:18, 12:19, 18:28] = 2 data3d = segmentation * 100 + np.random.random(segmentation.shape) * 30 voxelsize_mm=[3,2,1] datap = { 'data3d': data3d, 'segmentation': segmentation.astype(np.int8), 'voxelsize_mm': voxelsize_mm, "slab": {"donut": 1, "stick": 2} } # io3d.write(datap, "donut.pklz") return datap
[docs]def download_and_run(url, local_file_name): urllibr.urlretrieve(url, local_file_name)
[docs]def get_conda_path(): """ Return anaconda or miniconda directory :return: anaconda directory """ dstdir = '' # try: import subprocess import re # cond info --root work only for root environment # p = subprocess.Popen(['conda', 'info', '--root'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p = subprocess.Popen(['conda', 'info', '-e'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() dstdir = out.strip() dstdir ="\*(.*)\n", dstdir).group(1).strip() # except: # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() # import os.path as op # conda_pth = op.expanduser('~/anaconda/bin') # if not op.exists(conda_pth): # conda_pth = op.expanduser('~/miniconda/bin') # return conda_pth return dstdir
[docs]def generate(size = 100, liver_intensity=100, noise_intensity=20, portal_vein_intensity=130, spleen_intensity=90): boundary = int(size/4) voxelsize_mm = [1.0, 1.5, 1.5] slab = { 'liver': 1, 'porta': 2, 'spleen': 17 } segmentation = np.zeros([size, size, size], dtype=np.uint8) segmentation[boundary:-boundary, boundary:-2*boundary, 2*boundary:-boundary] = 1 segmentation[:, boundary*2:boundary*2+5, boundary*2:boundary*2+5] = 2 segmentation[:, boundary*2:boundary*2+5, boundary*2:boundary*2+5] = 2 segmentation[:, -5:, -boundary:] = 17 seeds = np.zeros([size, size, size], dtype=np.uint8) seeds[ boundary + 1 : boundary + 4, boundary + 1 : boundary + 4, 2 * boundary + 1 : 2 * boundary + 4 ] = 1 seeds_porta = np.zeros([size, size, size], dtype=np.uint8) seeds_porta[:, boundary*2+2, boundary*2:boundary*2+2] = 1 noise = (np.random.random(segmentation.shape) * noise_intensity).astype( data3d = np.zeros(segmentation.shape, data3d [segmentation == 1] = liver_intensity data3d [segmentation == 2] = portal_vein_intensity data3d [segmentation == 17] = spleen_intensity data3d += noise datap = { 'data3d': data3d, 'segmentation': segmentation, 'voxelsize_mm': voxelsize_mm, 'seeds': seeds, 'slab': slab, "seeds_porta": seeds_porta } return datap
[docs]def file_copy_and_replace_lines(in_path, out_path): import shutil import fileinput # print "path to script:" # print path_to_script lisa_path = os.path.abspath(path_to_script) shutil.copy2(in_path, out_path) conda_path = get_conda_path() # print 'ip ', in_path # print 'op ', out_path # print 'cp ', conda_path for line in fileinput.input(out_path, inplace=true): # coma on end makes no linebreak line = line.replace("@{lisa_path}", lisa_path) line = line.replace("@{conda_path}", conda_path) print(line)
[docs]def make_icon(): import platform system = platform.system() if system == 'Darwin': # MacOS __make_icon_osx() pass elif system == "Linux": __make_icon_linux()
def __make_icon_osx(): home_path = os.path.expanduser('~') in_path = os.path.join(path_to_script, "applications/lisa_gui") dt_path = os.path.join(home_path, "Desktop")['ln', '-s', in_path, dt_path]) def __make_icon_linux(): in_path = os.path.join(path_to_script, "applications/") in_path_ha = os.path.join(path_to_script, "applications/") print("icon input path:") print(in_path, in_path_ha) home_path = os.path.expanduser('~') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(home_path, 'Desktop')): desktop_path = os.path.join(home_path, 'Desktop') elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(home_path, 'Plocha')): desktop_path = os.path.join(home_path, 'Plocha') else: print("Cannot find desktop directory") desktop_path = None # copy desktop files to desktop if desktop_path is not None: out_path = os.path.join(desktop_path, "lisa.desktop") out_path_ha = os.path.join(desktop_path, "ha.desktop") # fi = fileinput.input(out_path, inplace=True) print("icon output path:") print(out_path, out_path_ha) file_copy_and_replace_lines(in_path, out_path) file_copy_and_replace_lines(in_path_ha, out_path_ha) # copy desktop files to $HOME/.local/share/applications/ # to be accesable in application menu (Linux) local_app_path = os.path.join(home_path, '.local/share/applications') if os.path.exists(local_app_path) and os.path.isdir(local_app_path): out_path = os.path.join(local_app_path, "lisa.desktop") out_path_ha = os.path.join(local_app_path, "ha.desktop") print("icon output path:") print(out_path, out_path_ha) file_copy_and_replace_lines(in_path, out_path) file_copy_and_replace_lines(in_path_ha, out_path_ha) else: print("Couldnt find $HOME/.local/share/applications/.")
[docs]def main(): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) ch = logging.StreamHandler() logger.addHandler(ch) #logger.debug('input params') # input parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Download sample data") parser.add_argument( "labels", metavar="N", nargs="+", default=None, help='Get sample data') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--print_labels', action="store_true", default=False, help='print all available labels') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbatim', action="store_true", default=False, help='more messages') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', # action="store_true", default=None, help='set debug level') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--destination_dir', default=".", help='set output directory') args = parser.parse_args() # if args.get_sample_data == False and args.install == False and args.build_gco == False: ## default setup is install and get sample data # args.get_sample_data = True # args.install = True # args.build_gco = False if args.verbatim: # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if args.debug is not None: logger.setLevel(int(args.debug)) get(args.labels, destination_dir=args.destination_dir)
#submodule_update() if __name__ == "__main__": main()